Sex Therapy

I am located out of Walnut Creek, CA, I provide in-person and online appointments to surrounding communities

One of the common reasons people come to our practice is for treatment of trust violations such as extra-martial affairs, infidelity, "sex addiction," compulsive sexuality, etc.  For some couples, when one partner has gone outside the boundaries of the relationship (whether it is masturbation, pornography, emotional affair, physical affair, etc), there is a breach of trust.  We help many couples navigate how to recover after a breach of trust and how to recover and repair the relationship.

  • Anxiety with sexual activity or penetration
  • Sexual Aversion
  • Unconsummated Marriage
  • Differences in Desire
  • Low Desire
  • Infidelity / Extra Marital Affairs
  • Intimacy and Relationships
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Premature Ejaculation
  • Performance Anxiety
  • Sexual Trauma and Sexual Abuse
  • Sex Addiction or Compulsive Sexual Behavior
  • LGBT concerns
  • gender and sexual orientation concerns
  • Dating concerns and pre-marital counseling

Some couples come to our practice because they have a big difference in their sexual desires.  This can cause a great strain in the relationship, as one partner may frequently feel rejected while the other partner may frequently feel hounded.  Some of the ways we deal with this issue is:

  • Discuss their goals and shared values about sex
  • Explore why the lower desire partner avoids intimacy
  • Discuss what emotional needs the higher desire partner gets from sex
  • Identify everyone's unmet emotional needs
  • Work on quality of sex over quantity
  • Explore dynamics of initiation and what works well and what does not work well
  • Explore all the various factors that make a successful sexual session

Much the same as other therapies, sex therapy is a much broader field that looks at the influence of psychological, emotional, relational, physical and sociological aspects of our lives on our sexuality and sexual functioning. Our sex lives are connected to everything that makes us who we are. Our early experiences in our families of origin, our perceptions and feelings about our bodies, our physical health and wellbeing, the cultural and religious communities in which we were raised, our personalities, and our intimate partnerships: all facets weave a tapestry that affects the way we live and experience our sexuality, and may have an impact on sexual concerns.



Available for emergencies on weekends via mobile


11:00 am-6:00 pm


10:00 am-6:00 pm


10:00 am-6:00 pm


10:00 am-6:00 pm


11:00 am-5:00 pm





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